We've Gone #VirtualFirst in view of COVID-19

Due to the risks of COVID-19, Magenta Health has migrated to a #VirtualFirst approach.

This means all visits will be first conducted entirely by phone or by video. An in-person visit will be arranged if necessary, during this virtual visit. Please do not visit our clinics without a pre-scheduled appointment, even just to ask questions.

To reduce the strain on the health system and our community hospitals and emergency rooms, our physicians have elected to offer appointments 7 days a week. There will also be reserved appointments for urgent issues.

Please use this link to book phone or video appointments with your physician: In some circumstances, this page will direct you:

  • to delay your appointment (e.g. an annual physical)

  • to submit your request a different way (e.g. prescription renewals)

  • to try again later if we’re not quite ready (e.g. to have a virtual first appointment)

If you are experiencing potential COVID-19 symptoms (such as fever, new or worsening cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, runny nose and joint aches), please see our COVID-19 web page for more information and guidance (including where to get testing, if appropriate):

If you are having difficulty breathing or are experiencing any other emergency symptoms, please visit an emergency department or call 9-1-1- immediately.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We are doing our best to update our systems and we will be continuing to update our website as new information becomes available.